Environmental Review Documents



The Campus/Dixon 257 (257-acre site west of Pedrick Rd, south of Interstate 80) - Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH #: 2023080739) 2023

Draft EIR - Available for review below. Hard copy of Draft EIR is available for review at Dixon Public Library and Dixon City Hall. Technical Appendices are only available for review on line
Notice of Availability/Notice of Completion of Draft EIR, Released May 24, 2024 for 45-day public review period
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), Released May 24, 2024 for 45-day public review period, ending July 9, 2024

Staff Report to Planning Commission for Draft EIR hearing, 7/9/24

Comment Letters submitted on Draft EIR, received to date (Thru 7/9/24 at 6pm)

Video from Planning Commission hearing, 7/9/24 (item starts 5:00 into the video - Please turn computer audio and speaker volume up) 

Technical Appendices to Draft EIR, Released May 24, 2024
Notice of Preparation, August 2023
Notice of Preparation (NOP), Released 8/30/23 for 30 day comment period, 8/30/23 - Fri 9/29/23 at 5pm 
Video from NOP-Scoping Session
, 9/20/23 

Study Sessions (City Council on February 6, 2024, at 5pm and Planning Commission on March 12, 2024)\
Notice of Study Sessions (Feb 6, 2024 City Council and March 12, 2024 Planning Commission)
City Council Staff Report, with attachments, for 2/6/24 City Council meeting
City Council Meeting Video, February 6, 2024
Notice of Study Session (March 12, 2024 Planning Commission)
Planning Commission Staff Report, with attachments, for 3/12/24 Planning Commission Study Session (Posted by 3/8/24) 

Application Materials/Plans
Project Description, updated January 2024

Technical Studies
Cultural Evaluation (Not available for public release)
Sewer/Wastewater Study, January 2024 (updated)
ater Study, February 2024 (updated)
Water Supply Assessment, January 29, 2024
Drainage Study, February 13, 2024 (updated)
Environmental Site Assessment - Phase 1
, September 30, 2020
Geotechnical Report, February 4, 2022
Traffic Impact Analysis, March 6, 2024


SW Dixon - Harvest Property Operable Unit 3-East (OU-3 EAST) Removal Action Work Plan - Addendum No. 2 To the Southwest Dixon Specific Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse #: 2002040237) 2023

This is Addendum #2 to the previously certified EIR, prepared and to be considered by the California State Department of Toxic and Substance Control (DTSC).
It is being posted here for public information, but all comments and questions should be directed to DTSC)

Removal Action Plan (RAW) (Submitted to DTSC), 2022

DTSC Approval of Remedial Action Plan (RAW). Approved by DTSC, Feb 27.2024

Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project  (6915 Pedrick Road) – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH#: 2023110138) 2023

Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration – Document filed and posted with Solano County Clerk's office from November 03, 2023 to February 07, 2024
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration – Published for a 30-day review period (November 3, 2023, thru December 4, 2023)
Responses to Initial Study Comments 
– 12/04/2023

Notice of Determination (NOD)
 Document filed and posted with Solano County Clerk's office from December 07, 2023 to February 07, 2024

Independence in Dixon (NE Corner of N 1st St/N Lincoln Rd) - Addendum to Lincoln Square Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH #: 2022010090) 2023

Draft Addendum to Lincoln Square Mitigated Negative Declaration, August 2023 
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), including VMT, July 21, 2023
Project Plans, August 2023
Notice of Determination (NOD), filed with Solano County Clerk and OPR/CEQA.net, Posted 10/18/23
 Adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (See Lincoln Square project, below)

General Plan Amendment for 2023-2031 Housing Element  and 2023 Natural Environment Element Update - Addendum to General Plan 2040 EIR (SCH#: 2018112035), January 2023

Addendum to Dixon General Plan 2040 EIR for 2021-2023 Housing Element and 2023 Natural Environment Element Update, January 2023 

Public Notices for Planning Commission hearings, February 14, 2023, (released 1/27/23) and continued hearing on March 14, 2023 (released 3/3/23) 

Public Notice for City Council hearing on March 21, 2023 (released 3/10/23) 

City Council Resolution No 23-056, adopting EIR Addendum for 2021-2023 Housing Element and 2023 Natural Environment Element Update, March 21, 2023 

Notice of Determination (NOD), filed with Solano County Clerk and OPR/CEQA.net, Posted 3/27/23 - 5/9/23 

Silvey Villas at Homestead Affordable Housing Project (SE of West A St/Gateway Dr. Intersection, Dixon, CA APN 0114-011-020)  - Environmental Assessment  

Environmental Assessment, January 25, 2023

Appendices for Environmental Assessment 

Dixon Commerce Center Expansion Project (2299 Commerce Way) - Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH#: 2022040207) 2022

Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration, (mailed April 8, 2022 and published in paper April 10, 2022)

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, published for 30 day public review period, from April 8, 2022, thru May 9, 2022 (with appendices) 

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, published for 30 day public review period, from April 8, 2022 thru May 9, 2022 (no appendices)  - Smaller file size, downloads quicker
Notice of Determination (NOD), filed with Solano County Clerk, OPR and CEQA submit, 6/28/22 

Lincoln Square Project (NE Corner of N 1st St/N Lincoln Rd) - Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH #: 2022010090) 2022

Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued Jan 7, 2022, **Revised 1/26/22 to reflect the change in Planning Commission meeting to remote (Zoom) only hearing

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, published for 30 day public review period, from January 7, 2022 thru February 7, 2022 (SCH#: 2022010090 )

Appendices to Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Appendix A_CalEEMod Results.pdf

Appendix B_Opportunities and Constraints Memorandum.pdf

Appendix C_Arborist Report.pdf  


Appendix E_Preliminary Geotechnical Report.pdf

Appendix F_Phase I ESA.pdf

Appendix G_Phase II Investigation.pdf

Appendix H_Environmental Noise _ Vibration Assessment.pdf

Appendix I_VMT Analysis.pdf  

General Plan 2040 Update  - Environmental Impact Report (SCH #: 2018112035, ) 2018-2021 

Go to General Plan 2040 update page 

Scannell/GE Warehouse Project (250 Dorsett Ct) - Addendum to Northeast Quad Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, 2019

Addendum to Northeast Quadrant (NEQ) EIR, February, 2019 

Notice of Determination, filed November 26, 2019

TEC Equipment Project (Pedrick Rd) - Addendum to Flying J Environmental Impact Report (SCH#:1999082090), 2017

Addendum to the Flying J Travel Plaza EIR for TEC Equipment, February 2017

Notice of Intent to Adopt an Addendum to the Flying J Travel Plaza EIR, May 2017

Flying J Travel Plaza Project (Pedrick Rd)  Environmental Impact Report (SCH #: 1999082090), 2006-2008

Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) Flying J Travel Plaza, August 31, 2006


1.0 Notice of Preparation and Initial Study

3.0 Travel Plaza Sign Program

4.3 Air Quality

4.6 Hydrology and Water Quality 

4.8 Noise

4.10 Traffic 

Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) Flying J Travel Plaza, March 2008 

Milk Farm Project (SCH #2004652075) 2004- 2005

Draft EIR, May 2005

Dixon Downs Racetrack  -  Environmental Impact Report (SCH #: 2004012001) - 2005

City Council Resolution No 06-194 Certifying EIR and Adopting Statement of Overriding Considerations, Oct 23,2006
Draft EIR - Volume I
Draft EIR - Volume II
Final EIR - Volume I
Final EIR - Volume II

Brookfield Project (Sutton/Parklane Residential Subdivision - Environmental Impact Report (SCH #: 2005022082) - 2005

Draft EIR, May 2005

Final EIR, July 2005

Southwest Dixon Specific Plan (SWDSP) for Homestead Residential and Commercial Development) - Environmental Impact Report (SCH #: 200204237) 2003-2019

Draft EIR, April 2003

Final EIR, March 2004

EIR Addendum to SWDSP for an Amended and Restated Development Agreement for SWDSP and Vesting Tentative Maps for Phase 1, Village 2 + 3 of the Homestead Project, Adopted May 14, 2019. 

Notice of Determinations, filed October 4, 2004, and May 16, 2019

SouthPark Planned Development (Valley Glen Subdivision) Environmental Impact Report (SCH #: 94071013) - 1994/2002

Draft EIR, July 1994

Final EIR, April 2002

Northeast Quadrant (NEQ) Specific Plan - Environmental Impact Report (SCH# 92113073)  1994 /1995

Draft EIR

Draft EIR (part 1 of 3), August 1994

Draft EIR (part 2 of 3), August 1994

Draft EIR (part 3 of 3), August 1994

Technical Appendices, September 1994

Final EIR, March 1995

Mitigation Measures

Notice of Determination, filed May 10, 1995

General Information
Community Development Director
Raffi Boloyan
Chief Building Official
Larry Paisley
Associate Planner
Scott Greeley
Building Inspector
Joel Engrahm
Contract Permit Technician
Terra Hudson
600 East A St.

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm